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Another New York Classic


I wish sometimes I was born in a different era. Especially when I read books about time past.

Like how cool it would have been to see Jesus? To witness Him turning water into wine?? Imagine you was there?!

It is easy to say ‘If I was there, I would have done this or did that’

What if I was born in Atlanta, Georgia during the 1930’s and was old enough by the mid 1950’s to march with Martin Luther King, Jr or to experience the birth of the Civil Rights Era.

Like If I knew all of my heroes or ‘sheroes’ personally.

Or if I was born in the Bronx during the 70’s to experience the Burning of the Bronx or the Birth of  Hip- Hop.

I am not even trying to romanticize these periods. They just are anyway.

I really wonder what I would have done or who I would I have become had I been born in a different era.

Like what If you were born in Germany at the end of World War II?  Not at the beginning or the middle.

Or in New York during the 1800th. New York doesn’t have a clean history either. But that is a different story. or maybe the same story but different chapter – to be told later.

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