Teachers Unite!


I met two teachers at Brooklyn’s Academy of Music street fair.

Sistah Patricia (she insisted that I spelled sister, S-I-S-T-A-H), who had an amazing demeanor, knew my sister from community organizing and was just as happy to see me (I think it was the atmosphere…at that time, during the fair it seemed like all black people were together and happy) as well as my sister.

We started to talk community and teacher and…

While we spoke, Ms. Brenda who was just passing by (I think) joined the conversation. Pretty soon they were talking about education and found out that we all teach.

Sistah Patricia mentioned that she is soon retiring and was giving me some classroom advice, like, ‘you have to get the [students] before they get you. You walk in on the first day serious and stern! If you walk in smiling, they got you!’

After talking about children and work experiences, we were so happy that we hugged…twice and networked.

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