


There are a few Bronxnites who live in my neighborhood who ALWAYS dress to kill. Edwina’s one of them. I am not talking about young people, I am talking about older people whom I have noticed.

Edwina is a kind woman. When I was going to Fordham and would walk to school, I would see her walking in the opposite direction. She would always be dressed up and have a beautiful smile on her face. She would smile and say hi. Sometimes she complimented me on my outfit and other times she would encourage me to continue my education. What she doesn’t know is her compliments and words of encouragements always made my day.

Since I graduated and stopped walking that route, I haven’t seen her in a while. Last week, I went out with my sisters and bumped into Edwina. I took advantage of the opportunity to ask her her name and snapped a picture.

In this photo, she is not that dressy. I should include that it was raining. However, she still has her beautiful smile.

American Museum of Natural History

American Museum of Natural History

This pass Saturday, I went to the Museum of Natural History with two little children from my church, Azeria and Jeremiah.

I received museum vouchers when I attended the Young People’s  Unity day at my church and planed to go to the museum alone; however, changed my mind and decided to babysit for fun…yeah, I love children that much!

I’m glad I did because we ended up hanging out with Therese and Peter. We met at the museum and had so much fun together that we plan to have another play-date this weekend.

While I enjoyed the Butterfly Garden, the Journey to the Stars and the other exhibitions I thought the Flight of the Butterflies was the best one! It’s a short documentary on the monarch butterflies. It speaks about their journey from the United States to Mexico every fall. Before I watch this documentary I thought the butterflies died at the end of the summer. I didn’t know they actually migrated across seas to a place in Mexico!

At the end of the documentary, two things came to me: God is simply AWESOME and I its time to travel to Mexico!

Bowling Alley

The Alley


A few Mary Mitchell Students playing bowling ball outside…