No Snowflake is Alike

I walked into Second Grade after they had art and some children were in a disarray because their snowflakes did not come out as perfect as their friends.

Everyone, put your snowflake on the floor in the center of the room, I said sternly over the constant arguing.

The children got up and placed their paper on the floor.

Stand right here. Don’t move.

Come, you too, put yours here.

I don’t have one.


I messed up and threw it away.

Well, stand here too. Everyone, come join this very cold circle of snowflakes.

What do you see?


What else?


Continue second grade.

Shapes! Diamonds! Triangles!

Anything else? Because I see a lot here. I see winter. chimneys. hot cocoa. marshmallows…

Ohhh, yeah! Meeee too Ms. Hurley! I see presents and a Christmas Tree.

Aww, and what do you see?

I see family and a lot of snowball fights….

Yes. Second grade. So we all can look at these snowflakes and see differently. They all look different because that is how it really looks in real life- different. And that’s how you are made, different. If everyone snowflake looked the same and everyone looked the same would we be truly living? What matters the most is we are created in this way and we bring our differences to the snowflake pile and appreciate them. Those of you who didn’t make one, even you were able to bring yourself and enjoy the snow with us. Next time though, don’t throw it away. Love it because it looks and is different.

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