Bishop Green’s Appreciation

One of my favorite photos of Bishop Green sitting outside during the Holy Convocation.

He finished eating pig feet, greens, rice with gravy and corn bread!! The Young Adult Choir was in the kitchen and Mother Christine, a native of Arkansas, helped me with the southern meal.

Sometimes when my plate is filled up with a lot to do and I feel like doing a half job, I scroll to this picture and make sure I put my best foot forward. There’s nothing like doing something for others so well that their appreciation shines through their smile.

Raspberry Jam for Mother’s Day

The Little Flock made raspberry jam for mother’s day. It was a fun, quick and easy process. The children were eager to do everything from washing the dishes to mashing raspberries.

I am not a raspberry lover. I actually don’t like the taste but seeing them eat the raspberries like candy, made me want to try some.

After mashing the berries, one child was picked to measure and pour sugar. Then, we placed it on the stove for two minutes.

I stirred the mix and soon it was ready.

Each child washed out a mini mason jar and I filled it up to the brim.

Then, while I cleaned up the kitchen, they raced upstairs to wrap their gifts and present it to their mothers.

Now I am thinking, what can we do for father’s day?


Cooking for Church


The last friday in March, the young adult choir hosted a fish fry for the saints.

When I was a little girl, I would look at the adults cooking in the church kitchen and hope never to have to labor in that way (the big pots and pans scared me and sometimes still do).

However, I am not sure when I started volunteering my cooking services…as I don’t consider myself the best cook around. However, I did and it’s an experience that I only enjoy when it’s all over.

Cooking is not my favorite pastime but I do cook. I cook more for a necessity. The more people in the kitchen with me, the more merrier I become, especially if those around me cook as their hobby…like my sister, April!



12345 Chocolate

Chocolate or  what?

One of my students came to me really excited:

Miss Lilly, you want some chocolate?

Yeah, why not.

She then pulled this piece of chocolate -so I thought- out of her pocket. It was really a calculator. It was wrapped in tin foil and smelled like a chocolate bar. Only, it was not edible. It was a calculator.

She bought it from the book fair.