A Graduation Lesson

New Beginning- Graduation

Once again we are in the season of graduations…the best time of the year to hear encouraging speeches from educators and students alike.

Yesterday, I was walking from the Hispanos Unidos Garden with the Literacy Club when I ran across a beautiful family. I usually would see them in the neighborhood and we would exchange hi’s.

They looked stunning walking towards us. I asked the mom who looks like she could be the oldest sister (she’s the one in the pink) if I could take a photo of them.

My students were on the side of me chanting CONGRATULATIONS!! Over and over.

After the picture, one of the little girls who had chalk in her hand, decided to write on the building behind them. Why did she do that?  The Literacy club suddenly got enraged. Their chants became rebukes and when I tried to take up for her, telling them it could easily come off with water, they turned to me and shouted at me:


So, in the end I agreed with them and so did the mother who told the little girl, she will have to clean it.

Wines & Liquors & dRUMs

Wines & Liquors


There is a little boy in front of the liquor store with a mini drum set.

Maybe he was taking a short break because when I walked by he wasn’t really playing, just looking around. 

That Hat

That Hat

Last weekend at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church there was a party. The neighborhood got together with the members of the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition to celebrate the redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Armory.



Godfree’s First Steps

Little Godfree

Gabby’s Hair Style



Gabby’s hair style is beautiful.



Pen-Pal Day

Pen-Pal Day


Joi searches for her pen-pal blind folded…

Which one is your Pen-pal?

Pen-Pal Day 2




Ayana tries to pin point her pen-pal while being blind folded….




There are a few Bronxnites who live in my neighborhood who ALWAYS dress to kill. Edwina’s one of them. I am not talking about young people, I am talking about older people whom I have noticed.

Edwina is a kind woman. When I was going to Fordham and would walk to school, I would see her walking in the opposite direction. She would always be dressed up and have a beautiful smile on her face. She would smile and say hi. Sometimes she complimented me on my outfit and other times she would encourage me to continue my education. What she doesn’t know is her compliments and words of encouragements always made my day.

Since I graduated and stopped walking that route, I haven’t seen her in a while. Last week, I went out with my sisters and bumped into Edwina. I took advantage of the opportunity to ask her her name and snapped a picture.

In this photo, she is not that dressy. I should include that it was raining. However, she still has her beautiful smile.